Mohammad Jamil
           Whereas Pakistan has always been keen to resolve all outstanding disputes with India through dialogue, it was always India that either baulked at dialogue or stalled ongoing dialogue on one pretext or another. Since 2004, India and Pakistan had many rounds of talks under composite dialogue, but after Mumbai attacks it was India that ended the talks. There are indeed terrorists outfits in India and Pakistan, but to accuse Pakistan of every terror act in India has become more of a norm with Indian government. In August 2014, India called off talks with Pakistan on the pretext that Pakistan’s High Commissioner met with Kashmiri leaders ahead of Foreign Secretary-level talks. The controversy on the part of Indian media is a deliberate attempt to discredit Pakistan leadership’s sincere efforts to remind the international community of their responsibilities on resolution of Kashmir issue.
          Indian media tried to mislead the public by creating an impression that PM Nawaz Sharif by highlighting Kashmir Issue made an effort to improve relations with Military establishment in the backdrop of PTI and PAT activities. Nawaz Sharif himself was wary of Indian intransigence of cancellation of secretary-level talks because he was ardent supporter of improving relations with India. He attended the oath-taking ceremony of Narendra Modi despite opposition from different strata of society. Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif during his address at the 69th session of the United Nations General Assembly had rightly raised the Kashmir issue, and blamed India for another missed opportunity to address outstanding issues by cancelling the foreign secretaries’ talks in August 2014.
          His speech was appreciated in Pakistan and Kashmir as well, which was true reflection of sentiments of the people of Pakistan, who believed that peace between India and Pakistan and prosperity in south Asia hinges on the resolution of core issue. Pakistan’s attempt to sensitize the international community on unresolved state of Kashmir issue at UNGA seems to have irked Indian political circles in general and diplomatic and journalist communities in particular. Under the growing frustration, a controversial journalist affiliated with NDTV namely Barkha Dutt engaged PM’s special advisor on Foreign Affairs Sartaj Aziz and managed to create a controversy. PM’s advisor Sartaj Aziz believed that meeting with the Kashmiris leaders was perfectly right, but she made him concede that Pakistani High Commissioner’s meeting with Kashmiri leadership was ill-timed and affected Secretary level engagements. It is unfortunate that Sartaj Aziz, a former very senior bureaucrat, and having decades of experience in foreign affairs, could give such a statement in an interview, which is being used by India as admittance by the Pakistani official that due to ill-timed meeting with Kashmiri leader by High Commissioner in Delhi, India was justified to cancel Secretary-level talks. Barkha Dutt, Group Editor at NDTV, while trying to create controversy to discredit Pakistan, also hinted that Kashmir issue is Achilles heel of Indian diplomacy. India is now blaming Pakistan for cancellation of Secretary level talks. Indian hypocrisy is quite evident that on the pretext of meeting with a Kashmiri leader, they cancelled the engagement with Pakistan.
          India played a ignominious role in IOK from purported accession of Kashmiri Maharaja to neutralization of Sheikh Abdullah by Nehru followed by increasing Army deployment in Kashmir, and has committed atrocities against men, women and children of freedom-loving Kashmiri nation. Indian heinous acts in IOK are narrated and confirmed by an ex-RAW official RK Yadu in his book “Mission R&AW”. Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif has the desire to have friendly relations with India, and he has been ardent believer that both countries can resolve their disputes through dialogue. But his desire was misperceived as if he was willing to forget about Kashmir or place it on the back burner for the time being. In fact, Indian leadership had not expected that Nawaz Sharif would expose India in highest world forum. In September 2013, in his address to the UNGA, Nawaz Sharif appeared to have been influenced or misled by the euphoria created by architects of aman ki asha, who had been raising false hopes that trade between India and Pakistan would provide an enabling environment to help resolve the disputes between India and Pakistan. They wanted that Pakistan should give India the status of the Most Favored Nation to allow transit trade to Afghanistan and Central Asian Republics. Had he done it, Pakistan would have lost all the leverage to force India to resolve the disputes between the two countries. In his 26th September 2014 address to UNGA, Nawaz Sharif rejected that flawed concept and approach of appeasing the military, and his speech was reflective of aspirations of the people of Pakistan, and of course the people of Jammu and Kashmir. Some analysts say that somebody advised him to take this stance; and it could be foreign office.
          Whatever the case, Nawaz Sharif improved his image by his emphatic call for resolution of Jammu and Kashmir conflict as imperative for peace, security and economic uplift of South Asians. Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif’s decision to raise the Kashmir issue in the UN General Assembly indicated a realization in Islamabad that relations with India could only improve if New Delhi also shows willingness to do so. Foreign Secretary Aizaz Ahmed Chaudhry talking to Pakistani media at a briefing outside the United Nations said: “If Indians are interested in a meeting, they should approach us now”. Such approach is emblematic of change in Pakistan’s previous policy of almost begging for resumption of talks.
          Before the UNGA’s meeting, India had indicated that talks will only resume if Pakistan agrees not to raise the Kashmir issue at international forums like the UN. Since the dialogue was stalled after Mumbai attacks, Pakistan has been fervently trying to start the dialogue. But instead of responding positively India continued with its intransigence and insisted that first the mastermind of the attack should be tried and executed, evidence or no evidence. However, no progress could be made in the talks, and India is treading the same beaten track and is not willing to budge an inch from its stance that Kashmir is integral part of India. Anyhow, the principled stand taken by Prime Minister in UNGA is appreciable.

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