New Wave of Propaganda against Pakistan Army and Pakistani Nuclear Assets

New Wave of Propaganda against Pakistan Army and Pakistani Nuclear Assets
Written by Khalid Baig,
The propaganda against Pakistani nuclear program started in 1982 when Indian govt. gave the task of propaganda against Pakistan through posts, columns, analysis etc. in magazines and newspapers to a team of Indian Foreign and Information Ministry. The term “Islamic Bomb” was invented by India for our nuclear program and India left no stone unturned to prove Islam as a terrorist religion (India even staged bomb blasts in its own cities targeting innocent Indians just to support her propaganda against Islam). Israel was special target of Indian propaganda and was forced to believe that Pakistani nukes are for Israel; if these nukes are not destroyed before their completion they will bring devastation for Israel. On the will of their Indian financers western intellectuals and journalists wrote in their columns, posts etc. that Pakistan will hand over these nukes to Arabs who have not accepted Israel as a separate country and are willing to remove Israel from the face of the world. Driven by the threat created by Indian propaganda Israel attempted twice to attack Pakistani nuclear assets but due to the tight air defenses Israel could not fulfill her plans.
Over the pressure of Israeli and Indian lobby USA imposed sanctions over Pakistan but due to the war in Afghanistan against Soviet Union USA avoided a direct attack or extreme steps. India has already justified her nuclear weapons in the eyes of the world through her propaganda as being the front-line state against Socialism while the pivot point of all the Indian war preparation is only and only Pakistan. Same situation is prevailing even now; in spite of serious border disputes with china, 80% of Indian army is deployed over cantonments with Pakistani border. Not only this all Indian war games designed for war with Pakistan.
After the American attack over Afghanistan 2001 the style of propaganda against Pakistani nukes has changed. Now world is being threatened that Pakistani nukes might fall in the hands of Taliban or other extremists and they will use it to wreak havoc against western developed nations. If one may remember, America justified her attack over Afghanistan through a fake interview of Osama bin Laden in which he had threatened America that he has two dirty bombs which he will use over USA and Americans will forget the destruction created by 9/11 if they (Americans) attacked Afghanistan. This should be also kept in mind that this interview was published in “The Dawn” through the pen of famous Pakistani anchor ‘Hamid Mir’.
From the last ten years Indian and Western media is howling that religious extremism is at rise in Pakistan and terrorists might take over the nuclear weapons. But the American govt. was always repeating that nuclear assets are in the safe hands far away from the reach of terrorists.
          But now suddenly the situation has changed; this does not mean that propaganda has been stopped; it is going on. But retired Generals of Indian army have issued the statement that Pakistani nukes are in the hands of Pak-Army and Army knows how to protect them. This voice from India is extremely dangerous because snake can never adhere itself from biting (Perhaps they have been ordered to issue such statements to divert the attention of international community from some loop holes in security of Indian nuclear assets or probably an illegal sale from Indian Nuclear power stations. As the diagrams of sensitive Indian nuclear assets are already present over the internet and deals between Indian scientists and underworld have been reported but due to biased corrupt media such reports posing serious threat to international peace have been kept away from the World).
From 2004 to 2006 American media pressurized American govt. to take over Pakistani nukes to such extremes that at one point American Foreign Minister Condoleezza Rice had to say that they are closely observing the situation and chalking out a plan to deal any inevitable situation. After protest from the Pakistan over the above mentioned statement of American Minister, White House had to issue the explanation that America is not planning to take over Pakistani nuclear assets but wants to help Pakistan to make them more secure. Public was not ready to accept this hypothesis that terrorists may get access to nuclear assets. In order to support Indian and western propaganda secret agencies of enemies planned and conducted attacks over military installations, head quarters of army and ISI, airbases etc. in order to send a message to the international community that terrorists have penetrated within the Pakistani army and through this support attacks over GHQ, Kamra and Naval airbases were made possible while Pakistani media was the front line soldier of enemy in this propaganda war against Pakistan. However after a period of silence regarding safety of Pakistani nuclear assets once again this propaganda has been launched but with a new face; Tom Hundley has written a long Essay, “RACE TO THE END”. Astonishingly in this single essay the author has tried to prove that Pakistan as a failed state and Pakistani nuclear assets as a threat to the world while India has been portrayed as world’s largest democracy (author is advised to have a look at local Indian channels telecasting the true face of mother of democracy or redefine democracy as right of rich to crush the poor and rape their women) and un-beatable nuclear power. In his essay he dreams of India as a state full with peace and prosperity; just like as a heaven which Pakistan wants to destroy.
Another important aspect is that this essay has been published just after few days of a report of threats to Indian nuclear power stations that was reported in local Indian newspapers. According to Indian newspapers Indian nuclear installation are at the target of extremist Muslims and have been put on red alert. According to the reports 11 Muslims have been arrested accused for planning attacks over Kaiga Atomic Power station; this should be kept in mind that few years ago an Indian nuclear scientist was murdered at this station which was afterwards portrayed by Indian govt. as suicide case.  This news were also widespread that including this scientist India was reported to be selling enriched uranium to other countries through Under-World. However Tom thinks China is the main cause behind the nuclear capabilities of Pakistan, in his essay he writes;
Pakistan, with an estimated 90 to 120 warheads, is now believed to be churning out more plutonium than any other country on the planet -- thanks to two Chinese-built reactors that are now online, a third that is undergoing trials, and a fourth that is scheduled to become operational by 2016. It has already passed India in total number of warheads and is on course to overtake Britain as the world's No. 5 nuclear power. Pakistan could end up in third place, behind Russia and the United States, within a decade.
In this essay the author expresses his views about Pakistan army;
The guiding ideology of Pakistan's Army -- from the generals on down to their drivers -- is that India represents a permanent existential threat. This is why Pakistan clings to its nukes and attempts to maintain at least the illusion of what its generals call "bilateral balance."
In spite of paying tribute for the Pakistan’s sacrifices in the terrorist attacks due to Pakistan’s support for American war on terror (actually war on Islam) Tom writes;
The problem with this delicate state of affairs is not simply the two countries' history of war, but Pakistan's tactic of hiding behind its nuclear shield while allowing terrorist groups to launch proxy attacks against India. The 2001 attack on India's Parliament building and the 2008 Mumbai attack are the most egregious examples.
According to Tom India has become the world’s largest democracy (if we consider the Rights of Americans sabotaged in democratic American than he might be right) while Pakistan is racing towards destruction; all big Indian cities are just like developed cities of the world while Pakistan’s capital seems like just like a prison because of security measures (of course Pakistan has to face attacks from Indian and US supported terrorists while Indian cities have only to face terrorist attacks planned by Indian Generals or riots of  unarmed poor). In India break-down of two days became problem to Indian politicians while in Pakistan public gets electricity for few hours only a day.
Seems Tom knows India through Bollywood movies or few stat hotels that in few big Indian cities that were reserved for him by Indian RAW, he never had a chance to visit Indian cities otherwise he would had the information that New Delhi has to face 6 hour load-shedding regularly and  more than half of the population does not know what is electricity or there are other means of getting light besides lamps burning oil.
This is irony of the fate that since after the partition Pakistan is the target of Indian conspiracies and terrorism. The Indian plan of Greater India is moving forward very slowly with the external support from America and other western imperialist forces probably because of the Indian markets. Within Pakistan India has support for GREATER INDIA including traitors in the form of politicians, intellectuals, journalists etc. and they does not feel any shame while selling their motherland for their voluptuous needs and lust.
During 1971 India had support of traitors within Pakistan and support from America as well because Pakistan had rejected American request to provide airbases and military bases to India during China-India war in 1962; so America wanted to provide support from eastern Pakistan to India in case of another expected war between China-India and it was inevitable to separate the Eastern Pakistan for this imperialistic plan. These were the reasons behind the fall of Dhaka while in the way Tom has presented Indian trial in the media this is not something new. Due to the money and facilities he secured from India or Indian agencies how was it possible that he mentions Indian violations of human rights in Indian Held Kashmir in the hands of 0.7 million Indian state terrorists, how could he has mentioned the real problems and issues causing tension between India and Pakistan? Could he write about the free-hand given to India by USA in Afghanistan after Western attack over Afghanistan and how India is utilizing her presence in Afghanistan against Pakistan?
He is well aware that India and USA are behind the Baloch Militants providing them financial support, training, weapons and safe heavens in Afghanistan. He should be aware of extremists present within Indian army and blasts in Samjhota Express and many more terrorist acts within India by these terrorist officers of Indian army in order defame ISI, Pak-Army and LeT with the support of pro-Indian journalists just like Tom. Tom should have sympathies for families of ATS officers including Hemant Karkare in Mumbai attacks in 2008 while the families of these murdered persons claim that these attacks in which Ajmal Qasab is accused were staged by Indian terrorists within Indian army to remove Hemant Karkare and his team because by arresting these soldiers of ATS had proved that India is staging bomb blasts in India just to make Pakistan secluded in the international community but at the cost of the lives of innocent Indians.
This is a humble request to Tom Hundley that just like Pakistani intellectual prostitutes getting paid in the name of AMAN KI ASHA from India; he should write in favor of India to secure his payments from India (this is his right) but he should not mutilate the history. If he thinks that Pakistani nuclear program is a threat to the world and Pakistani Generals are working against India under the shield of nuclear assets than what about USA? USA destroyed Japan, Iraq, Libya, Vietnam, and Afghanistan just because she had nuclear weapons of mass destruction which were used by Americans as well claiming lives of millions. US naval ships are in the gulf to attack Iran, drone attacks are going on in Pakistan as a new form of aerial terrorism, in order to keep American war factories running Americans cultivate the disputes and wars in different areas of the world between neighbors leading to bloody wars. Same like situation is prevailing in the Palestine where over the threat of nuclear weapons Israel has converted the whole area into hell from last half century; but Tom will never write on such bitter realities perhaps these are against the journalistic values of West guided by money or in other words INTELLECTUAL PROSTITUTION.

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