Massacre of Burmese Muslims: World watches as silent spectator

Massacre of Burmese Muslims: World watches as silent spectator
By Agha Masood
The Rohingya Muslims in Burma are being killed by the majority   Buddhist in Arakan (province of Burma now called Myanmar). Up till now twenty thousand Muslims old, young, children and women have been killed by the Buddhist and the international community and international watch dog are silent over this great human tragedy. The Buddhism as we learnt about is called the most peaceful religion on earth, but the massacre  unleashed by the Buddhist of Burma have opened the eyes  of entire world that the Buddhism is not religion  of peace. The Muslims have been living peacefully in Burma since 8th century and from time to time they have been subjected to torture, humiliation and murder for no reason .The military junta who has been ruling this country since decades is equally responsible for this heinous crime against Muslims. The OIC, an organization of Muslims countries has not raised its voice forcefully and so the influential Muslim countries. Even Bangladesh has refused to accommodate these Burmese Muslims who are coming to Bangladesh for security reason as the border of Arakan is close to Bangladesh. The noble laureate champion of democracy Aung Sui is also silent and has not condemned the massacre of Muslims.
The Burmese Muslims have been requesting the UNO to intervene but of no avail. This criminal silence on the part of international community over this mayhem of Muslims is  giving free hand to the rulers of  Burma to kill as many Muslims as they can , its almost genocide like the one happened in Bosnia.
Pakistan though itself engulfed in the war against terror has appealed to the Burmese government to stop this wanton killing of Muslims, The Indian Muslims have also appealed the OIC and the international community to immediately act and stop this killing of Muslims at the hands of Buddhist of Burma.
The Religious parties of Pakistan especially the Jamaat-e-Islami has condemned in strong words the killing of Muslims in Burma and requested to call the meeting of Security Council to condemn the killings of Muslims. China and India who have very substantial economic and political relations with Myanmar must speak out against this killing of Muslims otherwise their relations with the Muslim world would suffer. Yet another world power Russia should also condemn this mayhem of Muslims in Burma as a very substantial Muslim population live in Russia and are contributing immensely towards its economic and political development.
The Pakistani traders who have some sort of trade links with Myanmar should stop their business until the ruling military junta stops the killing of Muslims.
It’s very strange to notice that the western nations are more concerned about Syria where tough power struggle is going on between the Government and the opposition but have not said a single word condemning the massacre of Burmese Muslims. Mr Obama the US president has received the Noble prize for championing the cause of human rights, but why he is silent when the rights of Muslim minority in Burma are being trampled and are being killed like animals (even animals are not   killed like this)?
This is high time that the ruling Junta of Burma must be checked and forced to stop this genocide of Muslims in Burma. Let all the international bodies who champion the cause of human rights must unite to condemn this mayhem of Burmese Muslims and request the General secretary of UNO to convene the meeting of security council to condemn this wanton killings of Muslims at the hands of majority Buddhist plus the ruling military junta helping the crazy Buddhist to carry put this mayhem. To remain silent on this vital issue is crime against humanity.

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