Balochistan’s law, order situation and LEAs

Balochistan’s law, order situation and LEAs
Abdul Zahoor Khan Marwat
The Balochistan issue is in the limelight once again. While the esteemed judiciary strongly criticises the law-enforcement agencies for disappearances in the province, the terrorist incidents which have recently hit the province seem to have overtaken other important developments. Only recently, the police found the bodies of six miners and one doctor from the outskirts of Quetta.
They were kidnapped on July 7, 2012, from Dagar and Marwar areas near the provincial capital. These people, who were working for a private coalmine company, the United Mineral Company, belonged to Swat
Soon after the event, the terrorists, Balochistan Liberation Front claimed responsibility for the sad incident.Earlier, 16 Punjabi job seekers who were going abroad were brazenly lined up and shot dead by a terrorist outfit in Turbat.
Terrorism occurring in Quetta has become a norm with terrorists targeting Hazaras, Pakhtuns, Punjabis, Urdu speaking settlers, Sindhis and the Baloch who have openly shown their loyalty to the country.
What was extremely despicable about the Swati miners case was the fact that they were killed at a time when the Supreme Court was hearing the missing persons’ case, with the chief justice, who was present in the provincial capital, himself taking keen interest in the issue.
The terrorists who have foreign support chose the particular moment to drive the point home that they did not give a damn about the state or the judicial system in the country.There are no two opinions about the fact that controlling the law and order situation is the main responsibility and domain of the provincial government, which unfortunately has totally failed to take charge of the situation.
The questions here arise: where is the provincial government and its semblance of legitimacy as ugly bloodletting is on the rise? While the FC supports the provincial government to control the law and order situation in the province, can the FC be blamed for all the ills? What steps has the provincial government taken to control the law and order situation in the last four years? How many plans and strategies, including political, has it put forward to deal with the situation? How seriously has the provincial government taken incidents of terrorism while many of its decision makers were mostly found staying outside of the province? Why is there political and bureaucratic obfuscation on the issue? If not the FC, who will deal with the foreign funded terrorists on rampage in the province? How many personnel has the FC sacrificed in dealing with terrorists? Has the provincial government done something about their families? Has the common man heard about the sacrifices the FC has made?
As the highly complex phenomenon of missing persons in the province is being looked into, one should not put the overall blame on the shoulders of law-enforcement agencies as it is the provincial government that runs the show in the province. But one may ask: where is the provincial government?

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