Mutuality in Pak-China relationship

Mutuality in Pak-China relationship
Dr Muhammad Khan
 China will give you (Pakistan) every support and assistance and by helping you, we have to help ourselves.” This was stated by Chinese Prime Minister Mr Li Kegiang on May 23, 2013, during his visit to Pakistan. An analysis of this statement would reveal that, Chinese Prime has acknowledged the geopolitical location and strategic significance of Pakistan for the China. Besides, this statement is indeed the recognition of such a reality, which very less scholars and strategists have debated on, while describing the unyielding foundation and continuity thereafter of the Pak-China relationship.
In fact, during the formative years of People’s Republic of China (PRC), Pakistan was instrumental to global recognition of China, where, Communist won over the Nationalists and world community was more biased towards later. So much so, the Republic of China (Taiwan) was allowed to maintain the status of the successor state of primitive China until October 1971. Pakistan along with some other sympathizers of China had to lobby a lot in the Western world and elsewhere among the Muslim world for giving PRC, the actual status of successor state of old China, being the mainland.
Later, PRC was given the status of permanent members of United Nations Security Council in November 1971. It was Nixon era in United States and Pakistan undertook a secret diplomacy for bridging the wide gulf between US and PRC. This new era of bilateral relationship brought these two countries closer together in the global politics, thus paving the way for Chine permanent membership of UNSC. Since 1971 ROC is out of UN membership and hopefully it will be united back to its parent country, the People’s Republic of China. Upon detonation of its nuclear device in 1964, China becomes part of declared nuclear states and later a signatory of NPT in 1968.
Then after Indo-China War-1962, China remained in a state of constant threat, especially in the wake of US and Western military and financial support to India. Since India was a rival state of Pakistan, therefore major focus of Pakistani defence has been towards India. In a way, India was militarily engaged by Pakistan throughout, practically freeing China from an active Indian threat and a likely military aggression. This does not mean that Pakistan has been fighting with India as a proxy to China; however, Indo-Pak military engagement throughout the history has minimized the active military threats for China. Furthermore, Pakistan had a say in the Muslim world, therefore, played an important role in bringing together China and fifty-seven countries Muslim world. Today China enjoys an excellent relationship with all Muslim countries.
Since Pakistan played a vital role in bringing together the major power houses of world and China, therefore, Chinese Premier, Mr LI Kegiang was perhaps acknowledging the Pakistani contributions towards China. Pakistan is determined to continue these relations in the days to come. Since the international relation is based on mutuality, therefore, China has been reciprocating the Pakistani assistance to this giant in the subsequent years. Being a Permanent member of the UNSC, China has been supporting the Pakistani view point at the international level. Otherwise, there has been unanimity in the views of Pakistan and China on most of the regional and global issues.
China considered Kashmir dispute as the main hurdle in the regional prosperity of South Asia, especially; Pakistan and India. It has been emphasizing both countries for the resolution of the issue as per the wishes of its people and in accordance with the UN resolutions. China has been supporting the Pakistani stance on Kashmir and condemned the Indian obstinacy, which hindered its resolution after sixty-six years. On the issue of terrorism, Pakistan and China have similar views. Both consider this menace as the worst enemies of their people and countries. Pakistan has a clear position that, East Turkistan Islamic Movement (ETIM) is a terrorist organization and China has a clear stance that TTP is terrorist organization, being financed and harboured by anti-Pakistan forces.
Contrary to Pakistan’s Western allies, China has always valued the Pakistani contributions during the war against terror. Indeed, China “respects the anti-terrorism strategy developed and implemented by the Pakistani side in light of its own conditions. …China expresses its appreciation and continued willingness to help Pakistan build up counter-terrorism capacity.” China even advised the global community not to have double standards and discriminatory approach in the recognition of Pakistani sacrifices during this global campaign. It is worth mentioning that Pakistan lost 7500 security forces personnel in last twelve years, compare to only 3400 soldiers of forty-eight members ISAF in Afghanistan. The economic losses are over $110 billion. Being the immediate neighbours, Pakistan and China desire a stable and peaceful Afghanistan in the post 2014 scenario, once NATO and US forces leave Afghanistan. China and Pakistan support for the ‘Afghan-owned and Afghan-led’ peace and reconciliation process, and would like the regional countries and the international community to help Afghanistan achieve peace, stability and security.”
Besides having cooperation in many developmental projects in Pakistan, China is providing all out assistance to Pakistan in the field of ‘civil nuclear technology. Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif inaugurated two Chinese sponsored nuclear power projects of 1100 MW each in Karachi on November 26, 2013. Earlier, China has helped Pakistan in establishing four civil nuclear power plants (including two under construction) at Chasma. China rejected the concern of US and its allies in this Pak-China civil nuclear cooperation.
China has assured Pakistan that; it would “consolidate its friendship with Pakistan no matter how the international situation developed.” Pakistan otherwise considers its ‘friendship with China as the cornerstone’ of its foreign policy. In the rapidly changing geo-strategic and security environment, both countries are likely to face many regional and global challenges. The need of the hour is that, leadership of both countries should “work in close collaboration for further cementing the traditional Sino-Pak relationship especially the prospects of an economic corridor; a project which would bring economic prosperity for Pakistan and underdeveloped western autonomous region of China. In the wordings of Chinese Premier Li, “To be friends forever is the cherished desire of both nations.”

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